Your business travel companion

Choosing the HtoH app means choosing the ideal travel companion that will make it easier to organize your employees' business trips. Choosing us means choosing a solution that combines security and peace of mind. Ready to join the Home to Home adventure ?

Why HtoH ?
Today, travelers have access to a large number of applications from their smartphones. They experience unwanted notifications daily and have very fragmented access to information on their trips.
HtoH allows your travelers to access all features, centralized in a single application. No more complications !
The Smart Timeline (diary) allows travelers to view and control their schedule. They can then concentrate on the purpose of their trip. Smart Travel by HtoH technology makes it easier to get through succeeding appointments without stress, ...from dawn to dusk !
With HtoH, the unexpected is expected! Travel hazards are notified in real time and listed in the app's notification center.
Now discover the other features of the application: security, health, support, travel policy...
HtoH : Digital travel diary with all professional stays
HtoH assists your employees in their business trips from the beginning to the end of their stay.
It has become the essential travel companion as it is personalized. It allows a stress-free and safe trip: Direct access to suppliers, last minute reservations, SOS button and in addition a great expense report assistant.
Everything is planned, even a satisfaction survey !

Les minutes digitales by CDS Groupe - John Baird-Smith - IFTM 2022

Pitch Innovation Room - Garry Valette - Univ'AirPlus 2021

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